Buildings and /or processes will consume energy, either through the use of space conditioning equipment to provide comfortable environments for occupants or for processes operational during the manufacture / assembly of a product. There are increasingly more reasons for for reducing energy consumption in the workplace and at home.


Energy represents an unavoidable cost in running any business, organisation or home. Energy costs are often considered as a fixed overhead and something that very little can be done about. Cost increases are set to continue with home owners and businesses becoming increasingly aware of these costs. Energy costs are often perceived as small costs in the operation of a business or home. Typical energy costs may only represent between 1% and 5 % of income or turnover. Depending on circumstances it may be much higher. Nevertheless, lowered expenditure on energy can be re-directed into other resources or to increase bottom line profit. A reduction in energy expenditure can result in a large percentage increase in profits or money to spend on other items. Such opportunities are not to be missed. The knowledge and technology exist to reduce energy consumption significantly. Carbon Twelve can assist you in realising these potential savings. Taking action now can minimise the impact of future uncertainties and potentially save you money in the medium and longer terms.


National legislation driven by European Directives is placing increasing pressure on companies and individuals to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. The Kyoto Protocol is a major driving force for EU countries. Under this protocol, member states agreed to limit carbon dioxide emissions to levels set against 1990 levels by 2008-2012. Newer and lower targets now focus on 2020. Significant legislation includes the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) and the Energy Services Directive. Member states have been compelled to implement national carbon savings policies and legislation to satisfy these directives affecting both businesses and residential property. A company may be compelled to carry out energy surveys, energy audits or flue gas emissions monitoring as legislative obligations, e.g. under IPPC licence agreements. Member states through national legislation now require energy performance certificates for nearly all building types before they are offered for sale or rent. Commercial / public buildings are often required to reassess actual energy consumption on an annual basis, e.g. through the provision of Display Energy Certificates (DECs).The building regulations require ever higher standards in relation to energy and carbon emissions. Carbon Twelve are able to provide services to assist you in satisfying many of these legislative requirements. Legislative compliance is an opportunity to identify energy and carbon savings potentials and realise financial benefits in terms of cost savings, increased profits or improvements in competitiveness. A pro-active approach to such legislation will provide any organisation or home owner with cost reductions and / or a competitive edge.

Environmental Sustainability & Security of Supply

It is now generally accepted that "Climate Change" is taking place as a consequence of the large scale release of greenhouse gases. The combustion of fossil fuels is one of the major contributors to climate change. EU member states are committed to curtailing the release of greenhouse gases. Addressing the issue of climate change by reducing your pollutant emissions will allow companies and individuals to improve sustainability and reduce carbon foot prints.

The EU currently imports a very large proportion of its annual energy requirements. Fossil fuels are a finite source and it is therefore inevitable that these will become scarcer as time moves forward. Reducing energy consumption and switching to locally produced energy is a way forward. This has the benefit of retaining financial resources within the country, creating local employment and reducing exposure to volatile international energy markets.

Independent Advice From Energy and Carbon Specialists

Carbon Twleve provides independent advice and compliance services in the energy and carbon fields. Carbon Twleve do not represent any manufacturers of equipment or other service providers. Carbon Twelve can therefore provide advice in terms of the best solution for your organisation. Carbon Twelve's objective is to investigate, understand and optimise energy use while reducing carbon emissions. By working with you, Carbon Twelve can assist you in reducing energy and carbon emissions and meeting legislative obligations. Carbon Twelve is experienced in carrying auditing for various schemes, e.g. EUETS, Domestic Energy Performance Certificates and is therefore well placed to offer consultancy services also.