Carbon Twelve provide energy and carbon services and advice to the industrial, commercial, public and private sectors. Regardless of the size of an organisation or your home, it is normally possible to reduce energy and water consumption to achieve cost savings and improved environmental efficiency. Carbon Twleve's services are tailored to reflect the size and complexity of your requirements and maintain a cost effective service. 

Examples of sites that typically require energy management & legislative compliance services or advice to minimise energy and water consumption rates are:

  • Local Authorities
  • Swimming pools
  • Leisure centres
  • Schools
  • Colleges
  • Office buildings
  • Retail centres
  • Hospitals
  • Industrial process industries
  • Warehouses
  • Cold Stores
  • Distribution centres
  • Airports
  • Houses
  • Oil & Gas Extraction
  • Apartments

Any building or process that consumes energy and water has the potential to make savings.